Front End Development Intern at SmartPath (Remote)

Austin, Texas

Internship, Technology, EdTechInternshipRemote

Created • Aug 8, 2024

Deadline • Sep 19, 2024



Get ready for an exciting internship opportunity at SmartPath as a Front End Developer! As part of this dynamic role, you will assist our incredibly talented development team in creating and maintaining the user interface of our cutting-edge platform. This remote internship role is not just about coding; it's about crafting user experiences of the future.

For this, you will be responsible for executing design mockups with precision and crafting responsive web pages that bridge the gap between graphical design and technical implementation.

Your primary goal would be to develop high-quality, user-facing features that are an amalgamation of the visual elements you see in the application and the technical coding magic that makes it all work smoothly. Perfect for someone looking to make a meaningful impact, you will have the opportunity to collaborate closely with the design and backend teams towards the seamless integration of front end components.

To excel in this role, you require a robust understanding of JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Familiarity with front-end development tools such as Babel, Webpack, NPM will be great.

Required Skills:

  1. Interest in education and a passion for empowering families
  2. Solid understanding of HTML5/CSS3, jQuery and responsive design
  3. Knowledge of modern authorization mechanisms, such as JSON Web Token
  4. Familiarity with newer specifications of EcmaScript (ES6)
  5. Comfortable using version control systems such as Git
  6. Comfortable working in an Agile development environment

Preferred Qualifications:

  1. Currently pursuing or completed a bachelor's or master's degree in Computer Science or related field.

Soft Skills:

We're looking for someone with a sheer passion for coding, problem-solving skills, detail orientation, excellent collaboration, and communication skills.

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